Midwest Monster Seed Blends >>

Midwest Monster's food plot blends are for serious wildlife property managers. We have a blend for all conditions and to maximize deer and wildlife attraction at all times of the year.

Mega Clover Plus >>
In football they say you need a strong ground game to succeed. When it comes to food plots, clover is that strong ground game. Deer will eat high-quality clover whenever it is available, all year-round. Mega Clover Plus is the best there is and it includes 5 premium varieties of clover, plus the added attraction of chicory.
Blend type: Perennial (survives winter). Lasts 3-5 years when properly maintained.
Mega Clover Plus is a select blend that includes:
Medium red clover
White Dutch clover
Alsike clover
Ladino clover
Crimson clover
This blend is designed to work well in a wide range of soil types and conditions and it's the can't-miss choice to attract deer and keep them coming back. A well-maintained Mega Clover Plus plot can last up to 4 years, so this blend provides a low-maintenance option with high nutritional value.
Planting seasons:
Late summer
Planting instructions: Mega Clover Plus Planting Instructions (pdf file)

New! AlfalfaMAX >>
Want to take your food plot to the next level? Max it with AlfalfaMAX!
Deer are crazy for alfalfa and our AlfalfaMAX delivers more protein per ton than virtually any other perennial food plot crop available. But we didn't stop there. AlfalfaMAX also includes sweet White Dutch clover, red clover, and chicory for added attraction.
AlfalfaMAX gives your deer all the benefits of high protein nutrition and large yields with the added benefit of being a perennial crop that will last 3-4 years when properly maintained. Why just plant a food plot when you can take it to the MAX?
Blend type: Perennial (survives winter). Lasts 3-4 years when properly maintained.
AlfalfaMAX is a select blend that includes:
Northern-hardy alfalfa
Medium red clover
White Dutch clover
Planting seasons:
Late summer
Planting instructions: AlfalfaMAX Planting Instructions (pdf file)

Brassicas Bender >>
When the weather turns cooler, nothing beats the attractiveness of Midwest Monster's Brassicas Bender. Brassicas Bender combines high-sugar and high-protein turnips and forage radish, with sweet sugar beets, and 2 varieties of rapeseed for added attraction. Many land managers call brassicas "deer candy", and for good reason.
Plant this blend and come fall, your deer will go on a Brassicas Bender! Deer can't resist this combination and they'll keep coming back until the plot is bare.
Blend type: Annual (must be planted each year).
Brassicas Bender contains:
Purple top turnips
Forage radish
Rapeseed - 2 varieties
Sugar Beets
Planting seasons:
Mid to late summer.
Planting instructions: Brassicas Bender Planting Instructions (pdf file)
Eagle Seeds >>

Midwest Monster is Minnesota's largest authorized Eagle Seeds dealer. We are conveniently located in the Twin Cities area, so we also serve western Wisconsin.

Eagle Forage Soybeans >>
Midwest Monster is proud to be a dealer for Eagle Seeds and their Eagle Forage Soybeans. Eagle Forage Soybeans are Roundup Ready (TM), and they offer food plotters many advantages over standard ag beans, including:
Vigorous growth and huge plants. Eagle soybeans can reach up to 5 feet high and produce 38 average nodes per stem in trials, compared with 14-20 nodes for your average field variety. This means Eagle forage beans can regenerate to withstand browsing pressure.
High-protein leaf mass and stems. Up to 42% protein, which is 8-12% more protein than ordinary field soybeans.
Produce up to 10 tons of food mass per acre. 2 to 5 times more than ordinary field soybeans.
Roundup Ready (TM). Eagle Forage Soybeans are one of the few glyphosate-resistant forage soybeans on the market. This allows the grower to control a wide variety of weeds with a single herbicide.
Eagle Seeds strongly encourages the use of soybean inoculant if you have not grown soybeans in your plot for at least 3 previous growing seasons. We carry Eagle's inoculant in the Monster Store.
Important: All purchases of Eagle Forage Soybeans require the buyer to have a signed Bayer Technology Stewardship Agreement (formerly a Monsanto Stewardship Agreement) in place before the seed can be delivered or picked up. This is an easy process and can be completed online. Contact us for more information.

Other Eagle Seeds Products >>
If you're interested in Eagle's other fine products like Buffalo Blend, Smorgasboard, Broadside, or any other seeds in Eagle's lineup, we can help with a custom order.
During the growing season, we frequently order from Eagle and we'll have your seeds on the next truck. Contact us using the button below for pricing and availability.
Real World Wildlife Products >>

Midwest Monster is Minnesota's go-to authorized dealer for Real World Wildlife Products. From Real World's high-yielding soybeans to their terrific late-summer blends, Real World has the food plot blends you need on your property.

Real World Wildlife Products Soybeans >>
For property managers who want a high pod yield and the most shatter-resistant pods for their plots, we are Minnesota's authorized Real World Soybeans dealer.
Real World Gen 2 soybeans have been developed to offer growers a glyphosate-ready soybean blend that maximizes bean yield. What sets Real World soybeans apart from high-yielding ag beans is their focus on shatter-resistant pods so that the beans stay on the plant until the deer eat them, instead of shelling out on the ground.
High yield and shatter resistance make Real World Gen 2 the top choice for property managers who want to maximize the pods available for wildlife as long as possible into the late season.
Blend type: Glyphosate-tolerant, high-yielding soybean blend.
Planting season: Spring.

Real World Wildlife Products
Deadly Dozen >>
Real World Wildlife Products has combined 12 popular late-summer-planted varieties into one blend and the results are...DEADLY! Deadly dozen is perfect for any food plot, from large plots to quarter-acre kill plots. This is also an excellent choice for the land manager who needs an all-in-one product that can be planted in late summer when more reliable weather makes planting easier.
Deer flock to these plots from germination through the entire hunting season and even into the following spring. Deadly Dozen includes Winter Hardy Oats, Winter Wheat, Winter Barley, Austrian Winter Peas, Tillage Radish, Purple Top Turnips, Rape Plus, Sugar Beets, Forage Collards, Impact Forage Collards, Crimson Clover and Oil Seed Radish.
Blend type: Annual with overwintering varieties (must be planted each year, but some varieties survive winter to provide spring food source).
Deadly Dozen contains:
Winter-hardy oats
Winter wheat
Winter barley
Austrian winter peas
Tillage radish
Purple top turnips
Rape Plus
Sugar beets
Forage collards
Impact forage collards
Crimson clover
Oilseed radish
Planting seasons: Mid to late summer.

Real World Wildlife Products
Harvest Salad >>
Real World's Harvest Salad has been a fan favorite for years because it is easy to grow and extremely attractive. This blend contains three cereal grains and Austrian Winter Peas. The variety of Austrian Winter Peas used is extremely winter hardy. The deer will hammer the cereal grains when weather conditions have deer seeking green food sources.
Blend type: Annual with overwintering varieties (must be planted each year, but some varieties survive winter to provide spring food source).
Harvest Salad contains:
Winter-hardy oats
Winter wheat
Winter barley
Austrian winter peas
Planting seasons: Mid to late summer.

Real World Wildlife Products
Plot Toper >>
Real World's Plot Topper includes purple top turnips, oil-seed radish, tillage radish, rape, sugar beets, forage collards, crimson clover and Impact forage collards after years of side by side testing. The result is a product that will have deer tearing at the foliage and bulbs as hard as any brassica mixture on the market. Plot Topper can be planted alone or planted in the same plot with rye, oats, Harvest Salad, or broadcasted into standing corn or soybeans.
Combine Plot Topper with Harvest Salad to form "The Deadly Dozen"
Planted with Real World's Harvest Salad - Plot Topper can also be combined with Harvest Salad to produce "The Deadly Dozen”.
50 lbs Harvest Salad + 3 lb jug Plot Topper = 1 Acre Deadly Dozen
Blend type: Annual (must be planted each year).
Plot Toper contains:
Purple top turnips
Oil-seed radish
Tillage radish
Sugar beets
Forage collards,
Crimson clover
Impact forage collards
Planting seasons: Mid to late summer in northern tier states. Late summer if planted south of the MN/IA border.

Other Blends & Seeds >>
We can provide a wide variety of seeds for many types of projects including:
Wildlife custom blends and individual seed varieties
CRP and government program varieties and blends
Conservation and prairie/native grass restoration
Erosion control
Pollinator habitat
Many other projects
Use the Contact Midwest Monster button below to email us for prices and availability.